A Personal Message from the Desk of Bob Eisenbaum
"Privacy was good while it lasted!" David Frun, CNN.com, March 18, 2013
Here's how to:
- Avoid limiting your investment options
- Legally Avoid Unnecessary Taxes
- Mitigate the risks of having all of your assets in one country, in one currency, in one legal system…
- Seize back direct control of your investments, your assets, and your future
- Broaden your personal horizons and discover how to live a better quality life for less money.
I have a confession to make. I love the third world! I'd much prefer to pay a $20 "mordida" to a corrupt traffic cop than face a huge tax bill and countless overkill rules and regulations that are actually being enforced. The first world is in serious trouble. The dollar is on a downward spiral (not to mention the euro), the people are divided and social unease has never been at a higher level. All the while, we are hit with more and more unnecessary and stupid bureaucratic regulations. I have spent more than a decade in Central and South America. Several years each in Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay. Plus about half a year in Panama and many shorter stints in Brazil and Chile, and most recently El Salvador. My current home base is a ranch just outside Punta del Este, Uruguay. Third world countries don't depend so much on the highly leveraged and strung western financial system. In today's monetary system, money is just a “concept,” something that can evaporate as easily as it’s created.
Money is important, but there is more to life tha money - and that is the focus of Global Investing Strategy Newsletter. Our freedoms are being eroded at an alarming rate. Our communications are monitored for keywords, our phone calls are scanned, and we’re captured on camera virtually all the time.
If that weren't enough, greedy lawyers and jealous juries, our savings are under threat. As one of my friends put it: "Every day another American loses their hard-earned savings or retirement to an angry spouse, an unhappy business partner, or some oaf who tripped on their sidewalk."
Honestly, there’s no one to put the economy back on track. It was our political leaders who dug us into this situation, so we can hardly expect them to solve the problem.
The only solution is to help ourselves. But how?
That's where the third world comes in. That's what my Global Investing Strategy Newsletter is all about. Not traditional investing in your IRA, pension or stock market. Not even buying hyped-up Dog coins or following Elon Musk's latest tweets.
What we are talking about is real, old-fashioned living and value investing of the type our parents were used to. Indeed, these are things I first heard about as a kid, from my grandparents who lived through the 1930s depression. I am allergic to socialist nonsense.
Fortunately, there is good news:: there is a solution…a means to protect your wealth that you have worked all your life for, a way guarantee your freedom, and a way to protect your assets using completely legal structures like asset protection trusts - things you might have heard of but thought were only for the super rich!
Since I moved to the third world thirty years ago, I’ve done it. I also know many others who have made this leap. And best of all, these opportunities is open to everyone. You don't have to be Bill Gates or Elon Musk. If you have some savings in the bank and/or a small retirement account, you can live like a king in the third world! There are plenty of places where you can live well and eat healthy for as little as $1000 per month.
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Further good news: making this decision is highly practical. You can launch yourself into a new lifestyle of freedom and security very quickly…once you have the right information and the right help.
Not enough people understand my message, but the key to establishing a secure financial future for you and your family is simple.
Simply put, we have to stand on our own two feet. Sit in the driver's seat. You and only you have the power to make the decisions that will shape your future.
Managing your own destiny is not easy. But it’s a no-brainer. You have to act. And you’ve got to act now.
I’m Bob Eisenbaum. They used to call me an "Adventure Captalist" long before the TV show. I’ve been charting my own, independent-minded course for more than thirty years: to investing, and to life in general – and showing others how to.
Over more than three decades that I have been an investor, I’ I’ve launched and managed business ventures in 25 countries, including local businesses, web-based businesses, and most recently blockchain based businesses. Real estate has also been a primary focus of my portfolio.
Not to blow my own trumpet, but I’ve made a considerable amount of money. And, of course, I’ve lost money, too. But I’ve learned from every experience, and, at this point, in my global investing career, I have more of a track record at this than any other private investor you’re likely to meet.
When I left the States, the first thing I realized was that my old U.S.-based advisors weren’t going to be able to help me anymore. My U.S. attorney, U.S. accountant, and U.S. investment advisor were, frankly, clueless about the international scene.
The only person I could count on was me.. I had to take control of my own ship. Back then, thirty years ago when I moved to Paraguay, it was much harder than it is today. I didn’t have any idea how to structure my holdings and business interests. Fortunately, I hit a lucky streak, buying a huge ranch that had more than a million head of cattle when I sold it.
I have opened accounts with banks in more than thirty countries. I’ve established residency for myself and my family in six. My daughter, born in Argentina, has three citizenships by birth.
It’s a lot of work. But I’m not worried about my assets, my investments, or my family’s future; I gave up wasting my time on those concerns long ago.
Today, my big concern is how to discover new opportunities, how to grow our portfolios, and where to branch into new markets.
Now - prodded by a few of my private clients - I'm ready to share my lifestyle and investing expertise with you. Given the direction the world continues to head, the need for this kind of information, guidance, and expertise is much greater than it’s ever been before.
That’s why I created the Global Investing Strategy Newsletter, a monthly membership service dedicated to the world of international opportunity.
As the editor, chief cook and bottle washer, my goal is to help you chart your own course to offshore diversification.
The intelligence you will receive is straight-up, as my Aussie friends would say. My inner circle associates can tell you I don’t bite my tongue or suffer idiots. I say it like it is.
I’ll give you the data and the facts you need to reach your own conclusions. I will assist you regain the steering wheel of your life …keeping doors open for you and your loved ones.
You’re an adult. You can and will decide what’s right for you. But I’ll do everything I can to make sure you have what you need to make that possible.
Before I give you a sneak preview of what you can expect from my new Global Investing Strategy Newsletter service, I’d like to make a few important points…
- All my strategies and tips are legal. I don't engage in dodgy dealings. You may have heard about the Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers and the like. Today, going offshore is not PC. But nobody ever said it was illegal. I’ve never done anything to break U.S. law — nor the law of any other jurisdiction either.
- As much as I love the third world, I enjoy returning to the United States to visit friends and family and eat a good hamburger. The strategies I will teach you are about opening doors, not closing them.
Over the past three decades of investing in value-based businesses around the world, I’ve built my own rolodex of trustworthy and knowledgeable experts — attorneys, bankers, tax consultants, and other advisors. These are the people I talk to all the time who keep me abreast of the constant changes…in real time. I know of no other reliable source where this kind of boots-on-the-ground intelligence from the world’s top offshore investment havens is shared in real time by someone with real world, firsthand experience at all this. My Global Investing Strategy Newsletter fills this gap.
Let me clear up another misconception at this point. You don’t have to be wealthy to go offshore. $5000 in an offshore bank account will get you started with countless opportunities for protecting your wealth.
You can start by something as simple as opening a bank account in another country - a process you can carry out online these days in as little as 15 minutes. This one simple step can reduce your exposure to sovereign risk…and possibly even open the door to a second residency.
From there you can easily move on to diversify into real estate, precious metals, setting up an offshore trust, moving your family to the third world, even acquiring multiple citizenships.
How to determine the best way to take ownership of an asset…In a trust, in a corporation, in your personal name, in your spouse’s name… What’s the most private, most tax-efficient way to hold a foreign investment? The answer depends on many variables, which I’ll walk you through… The benefits of incorporating in an offshore haven…as well as introductions to my top contacts in the best offshore havens in the world today…
The Global Investing Strategy Newsletter is designed to bring you the best and latest information available on the opportunities, regulations, risks and rewards of moving your life offshore, whether physically or virtually.
Specifically, when you sign up for the Global Investing Strategy Newsletter, you’ll receive:
- Your monthly Global Investing Strategy Newsletter; a pdf full of offshore intelligence and international diversification
- Your Free Bonus White Paper #1: Let’s Go Offshore! Where and How to Invest Internationally for Maximum Return and Safety (Value: US$147)
Get it for just $199.95/mo Act now and lock your price in of just $49.95/mo

Over the course of your membership, you will receive additional White Paper reports on special topics every time I research and publish them. These are completely FREE but exclusively to paid up members with the monthly newsletter subscription.
The Global Investing Strategy Newsletter service is a cost-effective way to keep abreast of the ever changing offshore investment landscape.
So, what's the bottom line? How much is it going to cost you? Since this is a new project, I told my team that the price should be as affordable as possible.
Get it for just $199.95/mo Act now and lock your price in of just $49.95/mo

Your first newsletter and White Paper could be with you in your email just a few minutes from now.
Don't miss out. Join today!
My warmest regards,
Bob Eisenbaum
Editor, The Global Investing Strategy Newsletter
P.S. Worrying about the cost? Please don't. Check what your investment adviser charges you every year for a fraction of this information. A wise man once said: "Newsletters are relatively cheap, and they attract investors who are frugal. You may pay only a few thousand dollars a year instead of the tens of thousands that an investment advisor might charge to manage your portfolio."
Get it for just $199.95/mo Act now and lock your price in of just $49.95/mo